Added on 3/28/2016

GM Alex Yermolinsky video recap 

GM Sergey Karjakin is the Candidate!

Eventually, after all the speculations, Karjakin is the clear winner of the FIDE Candidates' 2016. He beat Caruana in a thrilling game, to qualify for the World Championship Match to be held in November in New York City. Kudos to the American  number 1, who tried hard to pose problems to the Russian. Anand and Svidler drew, leaving everything in the hands of the two possible winners. Of course, playing white with draw odds is a huge advantage, but Karjakin showed the right nerves and attitude to be a worthy challenger to Magnus Carlsen. He had the chutzpah to sac a rook, though it was clearly a winning line after Caruana's blunder in time trouble and under an unfathomable pressure, as brilliantly anticipated by our commentator GM Larry Christiansen during the ICC live commentary.

Even the World Champion seems to be happy for Sergey:

and Caruana, with his usual classy attitude, Tweeted congratulating his opponent:

Congratulations to Karjakin!

Interview with Sergey Karjakin, courtesy of

Today we have two winners in the GTR contest: Speiretti and TiredDad, who got all the 4 results right! Bravo!

The overall standings of the GTR contest see TWO winners: ECP and Radja - Congratulations! They win 6 months of FREE membership each.