Added on 11/20/2016

The Champion himself admitted that in the last two games there was not much going on, but probably it's good for him, who now has gone through the two White played by his opponent. Today it looked like Carlsen was only trying to get a quick draw, avoiding any only vaguely sharp move to set up a stimulating position. Karjakin, on the other hand, should be quite happy with how the match is going, so far. He was given by nearly everyone as the punching ball, and now the Russian is keeping his much higher rated and arguably stronger opponent at bay, after 7 games and with only 5 games to go. The Match for the crown is relatively short. Twelve games make the preparation much more important than what it'd be for a longer match. Here nobody can allow himself to lose a single game,

risking the whole match for a slip. This leads to the players be probably over careful, and the games can get apparently a bit dull. tomorrow Carlsen has white again after two blacks. We'll see if the Norwegian chess genius is able to force his Russian opponent into unknown land, where his talent can help him take the lead.


Here is a 5-minute preview of GM Alex Yermolinsky's analysis of Game 7.


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