Added on 4/1/2018

        "Here is the April 2018 schedule for ICC TV! Join us this month and become a star on ICC and YouTube!"    - GM David Smerdon


04/05 Thursday 3PM GM Alex Yermolinsky Grenke Chess Classic Highlights 04/07 Saturday 4PM GM Ronen Har-Zvi Time Odds! 04/10 Tuesday 3PM GM Alex Yermolinsky Grenke Chess Classic - Live recap 04/14 Saturday 2PM IM Christof Sielecki SimulMaster! 04/15 Sunday 7PM GM David Smerdon Banter Blitz 04/18 Wednesday 10AM GM Joel Benjamin Banter Blitz 04/20 Friday 1PM GM Alex Yermolinsky Warm-up show! An hour before Round 3 of the US Champ 2018 04/23 Monday 1PM GM Alex Yermolinsky Warm-up show! An hour before Round 6 of the US Champ 2018 04/24 Tuesday 2:30PM GM Alex Yermolinsky It's a rest day! Recaps from US Champ and Gashimov Memorial 04/27 Friday 1PM GM Alex Yermolinsky Warm-up show! An hour before Round 9 of the US Champ 2018 04/28 Saturday 2PM GM John Fedorowicz SimulMaster! 04/30 Monday 6PM GM Joel Benjamin GM Joel recaps the US Championships 2018

Previous events can be found HERE

Instructions to participate in the Simuls:

BLITZIN/DASHER users 1) Join the simul channel (ch 3). In the chat area (console) just type: /+channel 3 2) Once the simul is open, type: /tell simulbot join

ICC for Mac/windows users 1) Go the the Channel list button upper right-hand corner, and add the “Simul” 2) Go to menu item VIEW->CONSOLE and type: /tell simulbot join

For the Blitz Banter sessions, you need to type in your console:

/match 3 2 u -- for example: /match LarryC 3 2 u.

Usernames of event givers:

John Federowicz -> bronxbattler Christof Sielecki -> Chessexplained Joel Benjamin -> MrHat David Smerdon -> smurfo Tryfon Gavriel -> Kingscrusher Max Dlugy -> Dlugy Ronen Har-Zvi -> Indiana-Jones

An admin will announce in channel 3 when you can match the GM.  The system used in this case is first in-first served:  the first 15 players to match the GM will play him.