Added on 5/5/2014

Get ready for the GMs! A new series of events for ICC members, with our Grandmasters ready to play you!



Join the events or watch it in our brand new LIVE ICC TV! Enjoy the GMs live commentary as he narrates his ideas and impressions as he plays!  

Time control for the Simuls is 60 + 30 and each event will be played by 20 ICCers; Time control for the Banter Blitz is 3 + 2 and will be played by 15 ICCers.


May 2014       Sunday 4th, 4pm ICC time GM Maxim Dlugy Score: +14 =1 -4 Games: Download PGN VIDEO: Available here   Summary Maxim played his first Simul in ICC.  It was amazing to listen to his train of thought as he explored many ideas and strategies on 20 boards. Kudos to the winners: merken, Buckeye, muhit and Zebbile. A special mention to Pasqualino, who defended a very tough game against the GM, forcing him to a draw!       Saturday 10th, 2pm ICC time

GM John Fedorowicz Score: +11 =4 -4 Games: Download PGN  


  As John said at the end of the event, "this has been the toughest Simul I have played so far!". Several games went into complicated endgames, and it's not easy - not even for a GM - to deal with the clock ticking fast, when you're playing over 20 boards! Kudos to the players who mastered the Master: chess24, TahoeSam,  Ptzz and knightwing!   Wednesday 21st, 2pm ICC time

GM Miguel Illescas  Score: +16 =3 -1 Games: Download PGN  

  GM Illescas had a great result, despite some technical problem with his computer at the beginning of the simul. He was able to play relaxed and did not suffer so much for he was behind on the clocks.Miguel played from his chess school, and it was nice to share this event with his pupils, his wife WGM Olga Alexandrova, and WGM Anastazia Karlovich. Kudos to the only winner: taco   Saturday 24th, 3pm ICC time

GM David Smerdon

Score: +15 =0 -0 Games: Download PGN  

  It was BANTER, and GM David Smerdon won all the 15 games! Our Australian GM was entertaining and played well, in a two-hour feat that people in ICC liked very much. David interacted with ICC members in channel 165 while beating all his opponents!       Thursday 29th, 7pm ICC time GM Alex Yermolinsky Score: +14 =1 -0 Games: Download PGN     Yermo played well, and only one player was able to force him into a draw. alex showed his usual confidence, playing solid openings and methodically destroying his opponents. ICC members enjoyed following the event, watching Alex on the LIVE ICC TV.

Instructions to participate


Join the simul channel (ch 3). In the chat area (console) just type: /+channel 3 Once the simul is open, type: /tell simulbot join

ICC for Mac/windows users

Go the the Channel list button upper right-hand corner, and add the “Simul” Go to menu item VIEW->CONSOLE and type: /tell simulbot join

For the Blitz Banter sessions, you need to type in your console: /match <gmname> 3 2 u -- for example: /match LarryC 3 2 u. An admin will announce in channel 3 when you can match the GM. The system used in this case is first in-first served: the first 15 players to match the GM will play him.

The events will be streamed LIVE on ICC chess TV! You will be able to see the Grandmaster playing the event, and listen to his comments DURING the play! Don't expect the GMs to tell you your next winning move, though.  Stay tuned, and enjoy!