Added on 1/25/2017

After ten rounds, Wesley So seems to be the boss of this year's edition of the Tata Steel Tournament. He's definitely the more consistent and on-form player, with 4 wins and no losses; Wesley is the only undefeated player so far in the event. He leads SOlo with a full point over the pack with Carlsen, Eljanov, Wei Yi, Aronian and Karjakin. Three rounds is still a lot of chess, but Wesley seems to be playing the best game in this event and after conquering the Sinquefield Cup and the Grand Chess Tour, the American talent could add this important event under his belt. Wei Yi is probably the best "surprise" of the tournament. The Chinese teenager started a couple of years ago as a sensation, breaking the 2700 barrier as the youngest player ever to do so, at 15. Then he didn't keep up the pace and, though staying solidly into the 2700 elite, Yi wasn't able to get his rating up enough to reach the first 20 positions in the world. But in this tournament, Wei Yi is showing much more confidence, playing with the top dogs without faltering. He lost only to Carlsen, winning three games and drawing the rest. Carlsen makes the news when he's not there on top, enjoying himself and the glory that usually is his own companion. In Wijk aan Zee this year he had a couple of bumps to deal with: he missed a mate in 3 - which is almost unbelievable - and then lost to the Hungarian talent Richard Rapport. The media socials went berserk about this, and almost everyone was already giving the World Champion as "declining", losing his leadership in the rating list, and so on so forth. Magnus bounced back immediately, winning the next game, and now is there, in second place in the Tata Steel, ready to take advantage of any stumble Wesley should incur into. Aronian was able to play some brilliant chess, showing he's getting back to his standard play, after a period of time where he seemed to have lost that sparkle and consistency that helped him hold the second place in the world list for years, shadowed out only by Carlsen the Martian. With three rounds to go the Tata Steel 2017 promises to be thrilling: will Wesley So be able to maintain his advantage and be the hero of Wjik ann Zee? ICC will relay the games and provide FREE for EVERYONE a video recap service for each round!