Added on 1/26/2022


Carlsen and Karjakin called it a day after 16 moves into a Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense. In the post-game interview, Magnus said:


"It's always a pity to miss a chance to fight against a strong opponent, but tournament-wise this is OK."

Magnus, in the interview, sounded very pragmatic, thinking about the standings and outlining that he still has two games with white to play. And we know how dangerous Magnus can be when playing white. Mamedyarov and Giri drew their games, confirming Magnus' ideas. A note: after ten games - four wins and six draws - Magnus Carlsen's rating change is +1 (2866). It will be hard to reach the mythical 2900 barrier.

The round was exciting. Maybe not for the standings - which didn't change at the top - but it saw four decisive games!

The Indian derby, with Vidit and Pragg, saw the younger triumphing.  Photo credit Lennart Ootes Pragg, with the black pieces, had a won position in the endgame for a long time, but it took the 16-year-old GM many moves to eventually find the right way to force Vidit to resign.


Grandelius won his first game in Wijk ann Zee this year, and he did that by defeating Dubov. Nils appeared super-happy during the interview. Photo credit Lennart Ootes Grandelius said,

"At the beginning of the game is played as badly as in the previous games, but then something changed."

In time trouble before the first time control, Nils chose an ending a pawn up instead of attacking Daniil's king. In hindsight, it paid off!


Richard Rapport beat Fabiano Caruana. Photo credit Lennart Ootes Fabi is having a nightmarish tournament, giving his usual standards. In the post-game interview, Richard said,

"I think this is my first win in a classical game against Fabiano Caruana. My score with him is far from being good, but this game is important to me."  

Esipenko defeated Van Foreest. Jorden continues with what he calls his rollercoaster. It's win or lose for the local hero!


With three rounds to go, the standings see Carlsen in the sole lead with 7.0/10. Anish Giri follows half a point behind. At 6 points, Mamedyarov and Rapport. At 5.5, Karjakin, Vidit, Esipenko.

Tomorrow is the last rest day. Play resumes on Friday, at 8 AM EST - 14:00 local (CET).